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NANY 2017: ScoreTracker DC (Android Score/Event Counter/Tracker) - v1.20 - 12/31

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Updated on dc server and google play store.

What about making it less tedious for games that are not scored in very small increments? I am thinking about games that can typically score in excess of 50-100 points per round. Nobody is going to want to hit that +1 button that many times, and if you have to click to edit the current value to score each time, it's going to defeat the whole purpose of using the app when the score keeper becomes too tired/drunk to think/add. Some way to click and enter a number to add it to the current total would be great.

And I too would like a feature that would reset all values within a group back to 0, so you can start again, without affecting current counts in a different group.

Add those 2 features and I'll also test it for a use case that would expand the target audience much wider than just gamers that need to keep scores.

And I too would like a feature that would reset all values within a group back to 0, so you can start again, without affecting current counts in a different group.
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already implemented.  youll find reset option in menu.

What about making it less tedious for games that are not scored in very small increments?
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yeah, i was thinking about this.. not sure the best way to handle it.. maybe an option to have additional buttons?  OR maybe better would be if you click on the actual score value, you get a popup dialog where you can quickly tap +5, +10, +25, +50, +100, RESET?  That would be easy to add.

already implemented.  youll find reset option in menu.
-mouser (October 29, 2016, 07:01 AM)
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I see an option to "Delete all visible items", but not one to reset the values on them to 0.

OR maybe better would be if you click on the actual score value, you get a popup dialog where you can quickly tap +5, +10, +25, +50, +100, RESET?  That would be easy to add.
-mouser (October 29, 2016, 07:01 AM)
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I'd rather type a value to add to the score, rather than be locked into having to hit +25 and then +10, and then hit +1 three more times to add 38 to the current total. It shouldn't feel like I am trying to count out exact change for a bus. Remember that when playing a game the user will likely have to do this for every player in the list after ever round, not just 1 player, so it needs to be as quick and easy as possible.

How about tapping the current score to get a number pad pop-up to add a custom value, something similar to the phone dialer layout, with +/- buttons where the green phone button would normally be, to complete the entry? You could even put a reset option there, to clear and reset just the one score back to 0, without resetting all scores in the category list.

Something like this?

I see an option to "Delete all visible items", but not one to reset the values on them to 0.
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You should see higher up "Reset all visible items"

I'd rather type a value to add to the score
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You're right -- don't know what i was thinking.  Click on the number to show a little calculator screen where you can add any amount to the score (or subtract or reset) makes a lot of sense.  i will add it.


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