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Tropico 4 free (Steam key) for next day or two on Humble Bundle
Get a free Steam key for Tropico 4 at Humble Bundle for the next day+:
- https://www.humblebundle.com/store/tropico-4-free-game
I've never played any of the Tropico games - I have no idea how good it is.
Thanks! Someone recommended Tropico (3?) to me a few years ago and I never got around to trying it out. Now I can. :)
Just noting that it appears you have to connect your steam account to your humble account in order to get the game.
Not that this is necessarily a problem.
@mwb1100: Thanks for this. We don't know the game but my 14½ y/o daughter and 6y/o son were keen to try it out, so I have got the key and linked it HumbleBundle<-->Steam (which was a bit of a palaver).
it appears you have to connect your steam account to your humble account
-Jibz (September 09, 2016, 12:42 AM)
--- End quote ---
I thought this was the case for any steam purchases from Humble for a while now?
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