Software > N.A.N.Y. 2017
N.A.N.Y 2017: [Pre-Release] - DonationCoder Quick Links (Beta) - ANDROID
fun idea.
i think you could remove Reviews and Donate links from quicklinks.
and some of those forum feeds are unneeded, im sure we could think of the top 10 forum board feeds that would be useful to have to keep things simple and uncluttered.
-mouser (September 12, 2016, 02:11 PM)
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I was thinking the same to be honest, so I may have them able to be selectable via a menu.
It would be fun(?) if the nick for the IRC Client wasn't always "DC-App_" by default. Maybe you could follow the current trend of doing a randomized name with an [adjective] [animal] format.
* Angry Koala
* Joyous Giraffe
* Sleepy Bear
* Indifferent Honey Badger
* Hungry Sloth
Just keep in mind that Freenode has a 16 character limit on nicks. So longer ones, like "Indifferent Honey Badger" won't work.
-Deozaan (September 12, 2016, 02:45 PM)
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I've been mulling this over since you mentioned it in IRC, and I don't think it would be too difficult to implement, I'll try get this into the next update!
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