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Trigger the Send function in a new email from command line
--- Code: PowerShell ---param ( [string]$toaddr = $(throw "EmailArc.ps1 <email address> <file|folder>"), [string]$file = $(throw "EmailArc.ps1 <email address> <file|folder>")) $arcfile = $env:temp + '\' + ([System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($file)) + '.zip' if (Test-Path $arcfile) {# Write-Host 'Updating archive' Compress-Archive -Path $file -Update -DestinationPath $arcfile -CompressionLevel Optimal | Out-Null} else {# Write-Host 'Creating archive' Compress-Archive -Path $file -DestinationPath $arcfile -CompressionLevel Optimal | Out-Null} $newarc = $arcfile -replace '(.*)(\.zip$)', '$1zip'Move-Item -Path $arcfile -Destination $newarc $ol = New-Object -comObject Outlook.Application $mail = $ol.CreateItem(0) $Mail.Recipients.Add($toaddr) $Mail.Subject = (Split-Path $file -Leaf)$Mail.Body = "Archive containing: " + (Split-Path $file -Leaf) + "`n`nRename *zip to *.zip"$Mail.Attachments.Add($newarc)$Mail.Send() Start-Sleep -Seconds 1 Remove-Item $newarc
While blat offers their command-line mailer for free (non-commercial use only), I found it to behave problematic in an automatized process, where I generate a custom mail message with attachment. Then I found CMail (commercial use allowed) and that worked much more reliable in my scenario. Perhaps this is of some use to you too.
Thanks for the link Shades - I haven't needed anything other than what Blat offers yet, but I'll need to play with CMail now since it has TLS support. Always good to have more tools in the toolbox!
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