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External 5.25 floppy usb drive or another way?

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So I recently found a 5.25 floppy with some old code of mine that i'd like to (try to) read.  No idea if the floppy will be readable or not.
Problem is of course, no 5.25 floppy drive.

Does someone make a 5.25 usb external drive? seems a waste to buy one just for a single read but...  I guess another option would be try to find some old computer on ebay with a 5.25, but yuck.

Does someone make a 5.25 usb external drive? seems a waste to buy one just for a single read but...  I guess another option would be try to find some old computer on ebay with a 5.25, but yuck.
-mouser (August 11, 2016, 03:36 PM)
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try a vintage computer group.  Apparently this a quite a big 'thing' so there should be someone that could help you

or perhaps one of the museums or university's?

thats a good idea.

I still have a working one of these:

However, I assume that floppy is DOS and not Atari.  =]

yeah it's dos.  if anyone else has a working pc with a working 5.25 who would be willing to try to read it, let me know.


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