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Ghacks looks at software giveaway sites

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This doesn't mention the reason that I quit looking at GAoTD - it wouldn't work on 64-bit Windows.


Short of that there is a pretty good round-up updated several times a week on Giveaway Radar
-MilesAhead (July 28, 2016, 10:27 AM)
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The only thing about Giveaway Radar, is that it qualifies each day with useful giveaways, without quantifying how it does so.  For example, on BDJ, there are 6 entries.  However, Giveaway Radar says No useful Bits today, too bad !

This doesn't mention the reason that I quit looking at GAoTD - it wouldn't work on 64-bit Windows.
-CWuestefeld (July 28, 2016, 02:11 PM)
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You mean a particular program or a whole lot of them?  I have only installed maybe a dozen from GOTD so I didn't really notice.  Most that I installed I ended up removing after a day or so.

For example, on BDJ, there are 6 entries.  However, Giveaway Radar says No useful Bits today, too bad !
-wraith808 (July 28, 2016, 02:17 PM)
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In all that text at the top it says something about the fact that they don't claim to check all the sites all the time.  I have the giveaway sites I follow in a bookmark folder along with Radar.  After I read the Radar page then I go glance at all them them in turn.  I don't do computer games so that side of it I just skip.

For example, on BDJ, there are 6 entries.  However, Giveaway Radar says No useful Bits today, too bad !
-wraith808 (July 28, 2016, 02:17 PM)
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In all that text at the top it says something about the fact that they don't claim to check all the sites all the time.  I have the giveaway sites I follow in a bookmark folder along with Radar.  After I read the Radar page then I go glance at all them them in turn.  I don't do computer games so that side of it I just skip.

-MilesAhead (July 28, 2016, 02:41 PM)
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So not knowing their criteria, it makes it difficult to see if you need to visit the sites in question.  That's my concern.  Why use an aggregation site if it doesn't aggregate?


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