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Cubiq - A Match-Three Game for Android
After my previous message I've also installed Cubiq (0.1607.3) on my Nexus 5, and it is indeed much better playable :Thmbsup:
But then the smallish screen compared to the Tab2 10.1" (4.95", 1920x1080) comes into play, as my eyes have 'quite some experience' (50+) :o
I'll check out the new options of your latest release (thanks!) tonight :up:
FYI: A known issue with the Beta 4 release which will be fixed in the Beta 5 release:
Trying to watch an ad to earn cubos in the shop will always just tell you that you've reached your limit. Watching an ad to continue the game after a loss is not affected by this bug.
Disabling dynamic backgrounds helped the heat issue here :Thmbsup:.
Disabling dynamic backgrounds helped the heat issue here :Thmbsup:.
-Jibz (July 15, 2016, 02:43 AM)
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Glad to hear it! :D
I just noticed the two of you have the same quote in your signatures:
Jibz: "A problem, properly stated, is a problem on it's way to being solved" -Buckminster Fuller
Ath: "A problem well stated is a problem half-solved." (Charles Kettering)
I just noticed the two of you have the same quote in your signatures:
-Deozaan (July 15, 2016, 02:54 AM)
--- End quote ---
*jibz dutifully removes his forumqoute*
Haha ;D
I've tested beta 4 a bit both on the Tab2 and the Nexus 5, and though speed is better on the Tab2 with static background and sfx off, the game seems to slow down when the game-level goes up. Bottom-line is that the device is just too slow for this generation of game-engine.
On the Nexus 5 it is quite playable, but I'm not competitive enough to reach good scores :-[ It is a fun game though :up:
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