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DONE: batch print silently pdf-2-pdf using SumatraPdf and Bullzip

<< < (2/2)

I've actually got it worked out, I'll update my post in a little while  ;)


Also, would it be possible that the code sends only one file to be printed ?  Then it is printed by Bullzip. Then once bullzip has finished, the code sends another file to be printed ?-jity2 (June 08, 2016, 01:44 AM)
--- End quote ---

Disabling the Print Spooler will stop SumatraPDF from just queuing up the print jobs, it has to wait until each job is finished before it can exit and run again.

Hi "4wd",
Many thanks. I did a few tests and this seems to be working great. ;)
I much appreciated. ;)
Thank you again ;)

Well done, 4wd.  I'll mark this as done and move it.

Thanks skwire  :)



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