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Portable Batch foto resizer also using width=cm

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AFAIK IrfanView will also batch resize images:

IrfanView available portable from portable apps

I've used both these to batch resize images -- but years ago now, so cant comment on your specific problem.

Sorry, it does not work either.

I set to change size from 67cm to 28cm (SnagItEditor resizes it accordingly)
IrfanView resizes to 21cm

Tried a number of times.

Bad luck.

SnagIt also has a batch resizer, but dimensions in cm  is not included, regretfully.

Portable Batch foto resizer also using width=cm   = Portable Batch foto resizer also using width=cm   =  Portable Batch foto resizer also using width=cm
Portable Batch foto resizer also using width=cm   =  Portable Batch foto resizer also using width=cm

Eh... I was told batch resizing now is a standard Windows 10 feature? Windows 10? You know, this new Microsoft thing where words like Store, Apps, Device, OneDrive, Metro, Groove, Media, Gallery and such are all over the place? The featuring app could be called Microsoft Photos - but I haven't tested it, as I don't have Metro or apps or such..., so I don't know if this is it. In fact, I don't know what it is!

tried a number of times, but when resizing, DPI is increased from 96 (original) to 300.
pls find attached PDF-dcwul62 (June 24, 2016, 08:16 AM)
--- End quote ---

Then you are doing something wrong:

Portable Batch foto resizer also using width=cm

Portable Batch foto resizer also using width=cm

The same applies resizing larger.


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