Software > Skrommel's Software
s there any possibility of using this program ( Desklock ) without the exit option ? ie without the option to close the program ? I wanted to use it in a way that would enable not be closed by anyone .. ( Desklock the most useful and any one can easily close )
I do not know how you could keep the user from killing it via Task Manager or any number of free kill utilities.
close the task manager all right, more is there any way to use desklock without the option to exit the own program , or have any way to run it without it appears in the system tray next to the clock ?
close the task manager all right, more is there any way to use desklock without the option to exit the own program , or have any way to run it without it appears in the system tray next to the clock ?
-renatorediesel (May 27, 2016, 09:41 AM)
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You can change the source code. On the download area the green A icon downloads the script source. To get the free AutoHotkey development installer and also help learning to use it see this site:
Getting rid of the system tray icon is easy. At the top of the .ahk file put the line
Unfortunately Skrommel, the author of those scripts, has been otherwise occupied for several years now. But the reason source code is available is so that you may make needed changes for your own use. See the "Ask For Help" forum on the AutoHotkey forums index. Who knows? After you fix a script or two to your liking you may start writing original utilities of your own in AHK.
thanks !! :D
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