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Zip Drives revisited
I had to get something off of a zip-drive disc today, so I had to dig out my Iomega 250 Zip Drive.
Hearing that whine and click is still so familiar. I stopped really using them at least ten years ago (but I'd say it was longer back).
IIRC, at the time I bought it, the 250MB drive was a recent big advance over the older 100MB drive/disks. The discs actually look really like the floppys, just fatter (this disc is one of the 100MB ones).
So, for nostalgia's sake, here's a few images
Zip Drives revisited
Zip Drives revisited
BTW, the data was still good :up:
BTW, the data was still good :up:
-tomos (May 27, 2016, 02:03 PM)
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That's impressive - that it still worked OK. Mind you, I guess there's no reason why the data should not have been any good if you stored it nicely.
Some nostalgia, though I threw away my iomega ZIP drive and disks years ago - the cable was a parallel port (printer) cable and of no use whatsoever and obsolete. I was by that stage using PHD (Portable Hard Drive) 2½" format drives anyway.
The ZIP drives were a fleeting, ephemeral technology - soon obsolete. From my perspective, the iomega drive and disks were a waste of money. I think I learned a lesson there. >:(
I remember them well.. That was a product that really filled a need and felt very solid.
The ZIP drives were a fleeting, ephemeral technology - soon obsolete. From my perspective, the iomega drive and disks were a waste of money. I think I learned a lesson there. >:(
-IainB (May 27, 2016, 04:42 PM)
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yes, I have a memory of that one costing me around the £100 mark. Prior to that I was using one of the 100MB drives in the office -- they were much bigger (and more solid build). Luckily the one above has USB as well as the parallel port. And the disks weren't cheap either. But I did get good use out of them for a few years.
I had transferred all zip-disks to desktop and other backup years ago. (The disk above was from someone else.)
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