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Outlook App Popup : how to block?


Several times a day I go to my hotmail account and this same annoying popup telling me that the Outlook App is available for download, covers the entire page.  Anyone know how to block it?  I am running the latest SlimJet and I have JavaScript PopUp Blocker installed.  It catches many of the annoying popups.  But not this one.

I am running the oldest UI they will let me use for my hotmail account.  On my backup mail account on hotmail I let myself get pulled into the vortex and now I cannot back out of the new fangled lame ass Outlook UI on that account.  I sure do not want my main account to flush down the same tube.  Edit: not that the popup blocker has anything to do with preventing that mandatory migration.  I just never want to see the popup for something I do not want to use.  There must be a way to kill it dead door nail permanent like.  :)

you may simply try another ad-blocker. I use uBlock Origin for instance.
(in another browser though  :D )

you may simply try another ad-blocker. I use uBlock Origin for instance.
(in another browser though  :D )

-spankmonkey (May 23, 2016, 04:53 PM)
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I had that running in Firefox and still got the popup.  It seems to have gotten its quota today.  Or perhaps my JavaScript blocker is blocking it now that I removed the only white listed site from its settings.  I probably will not know until the first time I go on tomorrow.

Thanks for the suggestion.  :)

Something like GreaseMonkey on Firefox could do what you ask, but I don't think SlimJet has anything comparable.

Your other option is to use an e-mail client to access your account instead of the website. Have you tried Thunderbird or eMC?

Something like GreaseMonkey on Firefox could do what you ask, but I don't think SlimJet has anything comparable.
-Jimdoria (May 23, 2016, 05:13 PM)
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In fact I just found out about and installed TamperMonkey yesterday.  I guess it is basically a GreeseMonkey port to chrome.  They say it can run some GreeseMonkey scripts.  Do you have a particular script in mind?


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