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Custom dice for board games, etc.

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Found a 1/2 square hole punch on eBay:

True 15mm would be 19/32 or 15.0815mm which might still run afoul of the rounded edges. 1/2 inch is 12.7mm which might not be too bad, and is a "standard" size to can potentially be found as apposed to cu$tom made..
-Stoic Joker (May 07, 2016, 08:09 AM)
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That particular one is 1.5 inches. :)

But yeah, I came to a similar conclusion myself this morning and decided to try a 0.5 inch hole punch. I'm pretty sure I saw one at a local craft shop in my search last week, and with rounded corners, so I'll be checking that out soon.

That said, after making some test printouts at various sizes, I personally felt 15mm was "perfect" (despite my imperfect trimming with the scissors) and that 14mm would also be sufficient, but 13mm leaves a fairly significant border around all sides of the images. I hadn't done the math yet to figure out that 0.5 inches is 12.7mm. That might be a bit too small for my liking, but you gotta do what you gotta do. . .

The alternative is to cut them all out by hand, and I'm not really looking forward to doing that with 180 or more of them.

I just found this 9/16" (0.5625" or ~14.3mm) punch, which might be suitable.

Seems like I'm going to spend more money trying to find the right punch than on the rest of the project combined. :(

EDIT: I ordered it. If this doesn't work out, I guess I'll be doing it manually with a paper cutter and scissors.

Well, it arrived today. Sort of. I actually received a 16mm punch instead of the one I ordered, so now I have to send it back.

Now the project is delayed for another week or two.

Well, it arrived today. Sort of. I actually received a 16mm punch instead of the one I ordered, so now I have to send it back.

Now the project is delayed for another week or two.
-Deozaan (May 13, 2016, 11:46 PM)
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I hate it when that happens.  "We don't have that one is stock.  Send the next closest thing.  They'll never know the difference."  Customer contempt mode.


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