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desktop shortcut to do a Simple task

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Speaking of which, did either of you notice my post about needing a SQL editor>?  The thing is, I am not sure that this is what I  need.
It may be more in HOW to do it than a WAY to do it.
Adding pre-constructed objects to a database is more difficult that i at first thought.  I can see why but not sure i see HOW to get past the problem.  The things i am adding are folders to hold items that have not yet been added.  Unless i can understand the relationship to these items within the finished product, they cant be done as simple "words" inserted in a layout. 
Whe referred back to later in a search, they would be the one of the locators used to find the items under them so i have to put them in the same as they would be if created from an empty DB. 
That much i figured out from the start.  So i tried that, exported the DB after these changes were added but the exported file would not longer function as the starting template.  As i type this, i "THINK" I can see why but that still doesn't tell me HOW to make it happen the way i want it to.

I have done this in other sections by adding the proper "insert into" statements so i know it can be done and it is probably something any first year SQL DB programmer does for kicks.  Once i see the solution i will feel like an idiot for not realizing the problem

bring their can in for a tune-up?
Eh.???  Typo or were you being more 'descriptive'?
-questorfla (April 15, 2016, 07:07 AM)
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I must get an AI spellcheck that catches words in the dictionary that I didn't mean to type.  It seems to happen incessantly.  Sometimes I have to edit 7 or 8 times just to post a paragraph.  Computer!!  Type what I mean!  Not the words that just so happen to be there!

Yes, AND this is something have posted here about in the past.  WHY in this super-fast Futuristic world we live in can't there be a SINGLE FIX.
Like "One Ring to Rule Them All" Frodo!?

Typos are the most time consuming and irritating thing to deal with that it is beyond me why someone can't find a way to at least let SOME programs have access to a Shared Typo Library where we each could add our most often occurring ones along with the what we THOUGHT we typed (or MEANT to Type)! 

One place this is extremely irritating is when you type a Password into Outlook or other app and all you get to see are tiny dots.  Now tell me this:  How much "safer" do those "dots" make you feel?  Are that many people actually entering their passwords while people are looking over their shoulder and if so, what is to stop them from just watching your fingers to see what keys you hit?

In most cases all those "dots" do is prevent YOU from noting that you typed a "T" when you meant to type a "Y" or used caps when it should be lowercase.  After a few frustrating tries to fix, you then find you are locked out for 10 minutes and you don't even know what you mis-typed.

I maybe "paranoid" but I SWEAR windows sometimes does this just to mess with your head.  As in "You" did NOT make a mistake at all!  But you have no way to prove this since all you see are DOTS!  So MS just SAYS you did it wrong and tells you to re-enter it.  The EYEBALL option they have added is a step in the right direction but how about the  option to simply NEVER use dots unless I ASK for them? 

I can't count the times I have tried to show this to people but no one is used to HOLDING down a CLICK so the display stays visible long enough to read it.  And not ALL password fields OFFER the "Eyeball".  This is true even when it is a Windows program.

I really think MS does this just to see how mad they can make you.

But i digress:
And as above,the single letter "i" is ALWAYS correct as a capital yet there is NO WAY to make that happen.  This correction is even pre-programmed into Outlook/Word (try to add it and you will see it is already there and they ask if you want to redefine it).  BUT.  If you have fifteen "i" statements every one gets underlined and NONE get auto-fixed!

(NOTE:  I have recently discovered a possible fix for this.  If you ALSO add this to the option in Auto-correct for math (which is technically NOT correct) it does appear to work to make the switch to a capital "I" as it should in text.  Because I never use the "i" in numbers anyway.. I guess i won't miss that much.

Even then, it wont help much on the BBS as apparently those corrections are governed by the browser your use to access the forum?  And Google has not seen fit to offer "auto corrections" or if it does, it is an "extension I have not yet found.  If you know which one please pass it along to me.

Still, A CUSTOM APP.. One to Rule Them ALL  is called for here.  One that could at least TRY to help when possible.  I could add "hte" is REALLY "the" any time it appears and probably save an hour every day from corrections.

<<<END OF RANT  >>!


must get an AI spellcheck that catches words in the dictionary that I didn't mean to type
-MilesAhead (April 15, 2016, 07:52 AM)
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If you find it PLEASE send me a PM!

Stoic Joker:
Are that many people actually entering their passwords while people are looking over their shoulder and if so, what is to stop them from just watching your fingers to see what keys you hit?-questorfla (April 15, 2016, 09:08 AM)
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Actually shoulder surfing is really quite popular (it even got a name..). I used it the other day to get past a security door with a pin style lock. I just hung back a bit - pretending to be off in my own world - watched peripherally, and caught the guy punching in a pattern based code (naughty naughty - never use patterns). So the next time I got stuck at one of those doors...I wasn't stuck. ;)

Situational Awareness Always.


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