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Does BrowserTraySwitch work on Win 8.1 x64?

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I did not test BrowserTraySwitch on Windows 8 or 8.1. But I did test it on Windows 10 Home and it did not work for two reasons. Maybe at least one of the reasons is already the same at Windows 8. See .

BrowserTraySwitch hasn't gotten much attention from me in the recent years.. I'm not sure why it wouldn't work with Windows 8, but it's possible that it doesn't..  If someone can confirm that it doesn't work, and has some insight into why the default browser registry settings wouldn't be effecting windows 8, I'm happy to update it.
-mouser (July 23, 2014, 07:16 AM)
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It's not working. But I am not able to help.
Looking into my documentation I have an old alternative Change Default Browser 1.0 . The webmaster don't exist nowadays. And also don't go well under windows 8.1 64 bit.
If you need change often of browser perhaps not fixing the default one may help.
The first launch the operating system ask you between the installed ones (except those that really are the same browser : firefox and Waterofx....) . The next launching will continue with the last browser selected.
If you want to change select open with and use another.

Change the default browser in the registry in windows 8.1
I search and if I found something interest i will comment here.

Best Regards



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