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2GB additional Google Drive storage for free

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Today is Safer Internet Day and to celebrate, Google will add 2GB for free to your Google Drive if you sign on to your account this week and verify all of your security settings.

Offer Expired

Link for the lazy:

Just finish the security checkup and you get 2GB. :)

I don't have a Google Drive account but I scan the giveaway sites and noticed this one:

It makes me think they sell 17GB for 99 cents?  But the giveaway gives it free?  Seems weird.  I suppose I could go through the process and see what happens.  17GB is enough to put a few files on.  :)

Edit:  OK the 17 GB is the usual 15 GB free plus the 2 GB you all(been in Florida too long) are talking about.  Duh!!  :)

I don't have a Google Drive account but I scan the giveaway sites and noticed this one:

It makes me think they sell 17GB for 99 cents?  But the giveaway gives it free?  Seems weird.  I suppose I could go through the process and see what happens.  17GB is enough to put a few files on.  :)-MilesAhead (February 09, 2016, 06:17 PM)
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$0.99? For a free Google Account? Methinks that site is just adding a price so people jump at the chance to get something for free.

I don't have a Google Drive account but I scan the giveaway sites and noticed this one:

It makes me think they sell 17GB for 99 cents?  But the giveaway gives it free?  Seems weird.  I suppose I could go through the process and see what happens.  17GB is enough to put a few files on.  :)-MilesAhead (February 09, 2016, 06:17 PM)
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$0.99? For a free Google Account? Methinks that site is just adding a price so people jump at the chance to get something for free.
-Deozaan (February 09, 2016, 06:20 PM)
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Heh heh.  Like those guys who sell stuff out of the trunks of their cars.  I remember one time I guy I worked with wanted to get a backgammon board from one of these guys because it had a price tag of $19 and the guy was only asking $8.  Of course the same board in the department store sold for about $8.  :)

Btw my school email is hosted on google so all I had to do was hit the Apps Menu and click Drive.  One thing good about chrome I can just drag and drop file folders to upload.  Unlike FF.


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