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2GB additional Google Drive storage for free

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so apparently it just takes some handfuls of minutes
-f0dder (February 10, 2016, 11:29 AM)
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I imagine this is because of Google's approach to Big Data. Much of their scalability is built on an idea of "eventual consistency", rather than a completely ACID philosophy as we're used to from conventional relational DBs and stuff.

so apparently it just takes some handfuls of minutes
-f0dder (February 10, 2016, 11:29 AM)
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I imagine this is because of Google's approach to Big Data. Much of their scalability is built on an idea of "eventual consistency", rather than a completely ACID philosophy as we're used to from conventional relational DBs and stuff.
-CWuestefeld (February 10, 2016, 12:26 PM)
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Even if they had a tradional db storing stuff, it's not unreasonable that a "increase storage capacity" thing would be put on a message queue, and it also wouldn't surprise me if there's a lot of people claiming those extra 2GB at the moment :P

Just completed the checkout, but Drive still shows 15gig... does it take a while before the extra gigs are added?
-f0dder (February 10, 2016, 07:49 AM)
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Think so yes, mine showed 15GB right after as well, but today it says 17GB.
-Jibz (February 10, 2016, 07:53 AM)
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I've done something like 10 accounts so far, the longest any of them has taken to show up the change is 3 minutes - just sit in GMail and refresh the page every minute, it tells you how much you have down the bottom of the email list, eg. Using xx of 17GB (or more, it's cumulative, I have 19GB on a couple of accounts).

I don't get the Upgrade Storage button either, just get this:

2GB additional Google Drive storage for free

The 2GB was added by the time I switched to the other tab to check.

EDIT: That's just from logging into

I've done something like 10 accounts so far, the longest any of them has taken to show up the change is 3 minutes - just sit in GMail and refresh the page every minute-4wd (February 10, 2016, 05:35 PM)
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This is why we can't have nice things! ;)

No wonder if there was a bit of load on their systems with people doing that...

I guess I didn't need to fill out that security thingie.  It only shows the space I have used in Drive.  While going through the various info pages for my account one pane had the sentence (paraphrased as I could not find it again) "Everyone in can use unlimited storage."  Apparently they sold schools some free software that comes with sky is the limit online storage.. or something.  There was an article in PCMag in 2014


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