Other Software > Found Deals and Discounts
UnhackMe 7.90 [gotd]
About 15 and a half hours left if you wish to get UnhackMe 7.90 free from GOTD.
I have never used it. Apparently it has expanded the things it looks for when scanning the system.
I have kinda felt that about six of these groups get together and chain their programs because this is another one and I have no idea what it does, or even what category to compare it to anything else.
Supposedly it is a rootkit detector. The "feature creep" may be due to free rootkit detectors being available? I don't know. Just guessing.
But yeah, on VirusTotal there are so many scanners I never heard of that I refuse to start sending notices my stuff shows as a false positive. Every time I knock one down I'm sure three more will pop up to take its place. It's a time waster. Especially since the person sending in a notice of a red flag in the VirusTotal list is determined to ignore the 45+ green flags. It's so stupid.
For what it's worth, there are two more days for this lifetime giveaway:
Seems like program akin to what MalwareBytes does.
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