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Sync Laptop & Desktop

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Can someone suggest a foolproof method of synching certain files on my Laptop and Desktop please.  I haven't found anything that I'm totally comfortable with.

What I'd like:  Once I've updated my new Desktop from my Laptop I'd like to sync certain files in both directions.


Perhaps Bvckup 2, if what you need is simple sync over LAN.

I haven't found anything that I'm totally comfortable with.
-keithy397 (February 02, 2016, 04:39 AM)
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what have you tried / looked at ?

I still like FreeFileSync with the caveat that it has an OpenCandy installer.


Perhaps Bvckup 2, if what you need is simple sync over LAN.-Jibz
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I use Bvckup2 for my Laptop but haven't tried it over a LAN.  In fact I haven't got a LAN set up so I'm doing so now.....  Thing is, if I go away the LAN won't work and I'll lose any sync until I get back, I assume.

what have you tried / looked at ?-tomos
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I tried Box, Dropbox and I have Onedrive and Gdrive but not sure how to get them to sync.

I still like FreeFileSync with the caveat that it has an OpenCandy installer.-x16wda
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I used FreeFileSync many moons ago but again, I wouldn't know how to get it to sync my PC's.


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