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Holy S***, I've been here for 6 Years!
It is scary how fast time flies.. I've been here 10+ years and it feels like only a few months..
Nine years for me come April.
Yikes!!! That's about as long as you'd serve for robbing a bank! :tellme:
-40hz (January 28, 2016, 03:42 PM)
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Realizations like that can make one question their past decisions.
Just think, if you'd have robbed a bank 9 years ago then by now you'd be nearly free and could spend the money however you want. 8)
This prompted me to see when my "DC birthday" is. In a couple months, I'll be 10!
Gonna have to take my shoes off to keep track of the number of years after March!
This post serves no purpose other than to show my surprise that today is my 6th "birthday" on DC!
-Stephen66515 (January 27, 2016, 11:37 PM)
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Cool story, bro! Waiting for the movie!
This prompted me to see when my "DC birthday" is. In a couple months, I'll be 10!
-AzureToad (January 30, 2016, 04:45 AM)
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heh, just checked: I'm 6 days older than you :D
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