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Brave: A new browser with built-in adblock and payment solutions
We are flooded by browsers.
Hmmm..."We put clean ads back..."
Sounds like a new browser with built-in ad-replacing rather than ad-blocking.
Hmmm..."We put clean ads back..."
Sounds like a new browser with built-in ad-replacing rather than ad-blocking.
-Innuendo (January 23, 2016, 09:57 AM)
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Sounds similar to Adblock Plus's philosophy of allowing certain "good" (i.e. non-malvertising/non-intrusive) ads.
Then we put clean ads back, to fund [...] Brave users.
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Yeah, and when I think about it, it sounds kinda... bad.
Imagine if someone stripped out all your ads and replaced them with their own. So you no longer got money for serving ads, and instead someone else was benefiting from your content. I don't see how this works in a way that is fair unless literally everyone signed up for Brave's payment system and thus would receive money from ads/micropayments.
Also, if I use Brave, how do I--or why should I--get funds just from using Brave? How does that work? :huh:
"Supported by advertising" is a non-sustainable business model. Sooner or later we're going to need to get ourselves away from that idea. It's like the old joke:
Q: How do you sell so many TV sets?
a: Oh it's easy. We sell them below cost and make it up in volume!
"Supported by advertising" is a non-sustainable business model. Sooner or later we're going to need to get ourselves away from that idea.-40hz (January 23, 2016, 05:22 PM)
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Ever since internet ads started we hear this, and at some point it gets old. It is not the user problem and it's easy why, because other mediums exist where just viewing ads is enough, TV ads payouts are based on how many people view them (ratings) and not those who 'click' or buy. Frankly internet ad networks and advertisers should get over themselves.
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