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Very slow internal network speed - any ideas

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Carol Haynes:
My main desktop computer has started accessing the internet slowly - other devices on the network don't seem to be affected.

My laptop gets 14Mbps via wireless but my desktop is getting 1.7Mbps via ethernet.

As far as I can see the driver for ethernet hasn't been updated (well there isn't a roll back option).

I did a bit googling and someone suggested disabling AMD QuickStream but I can't find that on my system (AMD processor, mobo and graphics though)

Anyone got any ideas what is going on or how to fix it?

System Windows 7 x64 - loads of memory and fast CPU graphics

Hm, I got the same thing happening in my household with two Win7-64bit PCs... Maybe it's a UK network thing, or a particular ISP thing, or MS is downloading Win10 for us in the background? But this week internet access crawled to a halt, especially the upload speed...

Carol Haynes:
Upload speeds seem unaffected.

If it was downloading in the background wouldn't that have a knock on effect for other devices on the network?

Check out Glasswire if there's bandwidth being used and you're not sure what's using it. Although from your description that's probably not the issue.

Does your nic give you any control over or insight into how it's talking? Maybe the port (or switch) it's plugged into is having an issue, or it has dropped down to 10mb half duplex or something. Can you move the cable to another port (preferably in a different set of 4 - assuming you have more than 4 ports)?

You could also plug your pc directly into your Internet connection to make sure it's really the PC that's the problem.

You'll need to find where the bottleneck is occurring - between your computer and the router - or before it gets to it.

Start Taskman and look at the network tab while having the problem.

If the utilization is flooded, something is hogging your connection and you'll have to locate what's doing it.

If it's not flooded you could have a hardware issue with your NIC or possibly something's up with your ISP.

Most times you run into that it's a background process that's the culprit. Downloads running in the back (Like Win10), silent updaters, or "web-safe" type security tools where everything goes through an outside proxy before it hits the web can all do that to you. There's also the possibility that it's a DNS issue. Try flushing the cache and/or selecting a different server for DNS.


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