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Why GOD has not updated the world ?

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GI heard God still uses VAX/VMS because it never crashes.  All those planets and suns twirling around you don't want a system that hard locks.  We'd be in The Spilled Milky Way if that happened. 

-MilesAhead (February 04, 2016, 08:58 AM)
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Not Glorious Lifeform and Deity Operating System? I hear it's a piece of cake to keep running.

Not Glorious Lifeform and Deity Operating System? I hear it's a piece of cake to keep running.-x16wda (February 04, 2016, 06:09 PM)
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no, it's a bear!! (it doesn't have bugs, it has DEMONS!!!!)

Oh! About leaving. If God could change the laws of the universe so that all paths are mobius strips, that'd be just awesome! ;D We're talking major version upgrade here!  :-*
-Renegade (January 21, 2016, 05:50 PM)
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How about a Klein Bottle?  :)

If HE decides to reformat, then obviously Noah will carry two of all.

How about having two programs for each languages, C#, Java, Code-C, DotNet etc. ? It would help rebuild our must have programs and Forums faster then. Instead of watching soaps on CRT TV or we better start with YouTube streaming on mobiles.


"Fear not, the universe is in good hands."
This encrypted message in all matter in the universe is readily seen in this
three-dimensional plot of potential energy per nucleon (M/A) versus mass
number (A) versus charge density (Z/A) for all 2.850 known nuclides*.
* "Nuclear wallet cards", 6th edition (2000) National Nuclear Data Center. Brookhaven Nat'l Laboratory, 74 pp.
nuclide /"nju;klVId/
ยท n. Physics a distinct kind of atom or nucleus characterized by a specific number of protons and neutrons.
- DERIVATIVES nuclidic adj.
- ORIGIN 1940s: from nucleus + -ide (from Gk eidos 'form').
Concise Oxford Dictionary (10th Ed.)


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