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YNAB moving to a subscription model

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Or did anyone bite the bullet and update to the subscription model?
-Deozaan (January 02, 2017, 06:53 PM)
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I waited until the new version ripened some, then moved to the subscription model.

I prefer subscription to pay-per-upgrade. I want the developers to prioritize "bugs that will make subscribers quit" over "features that will make non-customers into single-purchase customers."

I'm re-trialling nYNAB and although it's not perfect and I think it's too expensive, I do like it. I appreciate that I can alter my budget in the mobile app and on any PC. I tried Financier - - which is a good alternative, but the (single) developer is open about not wanting to put much work into new features and basically just maintain it. That would be fine with me if it had scheduled transactions and a mobile app, which it doesn't.

I think I'll start paying for the subscription once my trial runs out. Budgeting for the subscription shouldn't be too difficult, after all ;)

I have to hand it to the folks at YNAB! They just updated the "Classic" mobile app so that it would be compatible with changes Dropbox is making to their API in June. They only committed to supporting the "legacy" version of YNAB until the end of 2016, so it's nice of them to have made this change for those of us who still aren't happy with and haven't changed over to their subscription model.


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