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Archive each file to separate file in its own folder

<< < (3/3)

It worked!!!!

You are a genius! Thank you!

Four more questions:

1) So, to delete files after, I'd replace 'a' with 'm'?

2) How would I change it to hide command line after execution?

3) It's my very first experience with DC, how do donations work and what's the proper amount?

4) Can AHK be used to fill a multipage online form on one server by taking values from an external file or from another web page?


Good to hear it works. 8)

1: Yes.
2: Like so: replace /k with /c and add ,,Hide
--- ---RunWait %comspec% /c rarselect.cmd,,Hide3: I don't know how it actually works (I don't want anything)
4: Yes most certainly:

The recommended browser would be IE so you can reliably automate the process. Other browsers: can be done but would have to rely on sending text to each field in the form similar to copy/paste manually.

With IE & COM you can actually SET the text of each field which will be much more reliable.
Some tutorials (looks a bit daunting I'll admit): and - some info/posts on the AutoHotkey forums will tell you need AutoHotkey_L but that is now the main branch of AutoHotkey which you already have so don't worry about that part.

For help on IE & COM related scripts is best to post them at as there are a few experts there that will be able to assist (if you put the effort in).

4) Can AHK be used to fill a multipage online form on one server by taking values from an external file or from another web page?-menych (December 06, 2015, 11:31 AM)
--- End quote ---

You might find that easier to do using Powershell, there's a lot of info available on IE automation using it.


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