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Will you upgrade to Microsoft Office 2007?

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I won't buy it; however, I was surprised to find that it seemed genuinely innovative, unlike Vista, which seems to offer me nothing outside of its improved security (which is not trivial).

How does a keyboard emphasize the mouse?
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It has no keypad, for instance.

Are they not teaching typing/keyboarding in schools anymore? WTF mate!

It has no keypad, for instance.
-zridling (July 06, 2006, 01:30 AM)
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:tellme: Hmm. Sounds like a Marketing idea -- it's definitely not from people that already use a computer with any regularity. Who would even consider using Excel without a numpad? :P

Allow me to ask something, how many of you have paid for the current version of office you are running? I know a lot of people say they wont upgrade because the price is too high, but I am just curious how many have paid for their CURRENT version?
-Josh (June 30, 2006, 02:42 PM)
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I paid (actually my parents paid) for my Office 2003 Pro Academic version and I got rid of it for Office 2007 Beta 2 when it went public.  :D

Office 2007 rocks!  IMO, it focuses on down-to-earth productivity. I almost tried to migrate to StarOffice before Office 2007 came out because I'm always in favor of open standard. But StarOffice just can't compete with Office 2007, sad though.

Microsoft Office doesn't work on my computer; and I couldn't afford it anyway. => no "upgrade" for me


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