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Other Software > Found Deals and Discounts

GOTD XYPlorer Pro 15.90 [free]

(1/2) > >>

It seems like there is no time limit on install as long as the .gcd file is in the same folder when you run the setup.

Edit: I activated the program and it came up.

Thanks :Thmbsup:

Sure thing.  :)

Installed it, I'll be comparing it to Xplorer2 v1.x that I've been using licensed for several years. Lets see if I can spot the differences :D

Installed it, I'll be comparing it to Xplorer2 v1.x that I've been using licensed for several years. Lets see if I can spot the differences :D
-Ath (November 07, 2015, 04:50 AM)
--- End quote ---

From a write-up it seems to have a color coding scheme(off by default) that can be used to denote file types and even user defined groups.  That may make spotting things easier for me.  I haven't given it a workout yet.


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