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update noway to use the program


I can get normal access to use of this program, just tell me whats wrong and what to do or give me the earlier installer download.

error DBG103:DBISAM Engine Error # 11013 Access denied to table or backup file 77280

i tried alll stupid thinks found on this forum: antivirus, rights, deleted everything ........

i can't spend time to solve this myself

please provide a solution , no need to test or give me the installer of april.

error DBG103:DBISAM Engine Error # 11013 Access denied to table or backup file 77280
--- End quote ---
that error does suggestion a problem with the OS/antivirus blocking access to the database file.

older version worked for you on the same computer? what version of windows are you on?

can you get into the options dialog? if so go to the Tweaks tab and change the "Temprary DB file location" setting.

Previous (april) version is here:


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