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Other Software > Found Deals and Discounts

photo DE-NOISE (PRO) 74% off

<< < (2/2)



How to test this program ? Could not find any demo version.-anandcoral (November 06, 2015, 05:45 AM)
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go to the program's homepage and click TRIAL: 375MB


Right of Revocation

    Revocation Right for Consumers

    The provisions of this section 1 shall only apply to customers who place an order from a member state of the European Union:
    1.1    Revocation

    Customers who are consumers shall have the right to revoke this contract within fourteen (14) days without stating a reason.-Cleverbridge
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How to test this program ? Could not find any demo version.-anandcoral (November 06, 2015, 05:45 AM)
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go to the program's homepage and click TRIAL: 375MB-Curt (November 06, 2015, 04:23 PM)
--- End quote ---

because of this ^ I suddenly found myself downloading the 375MB trial! The zip container hold two files, one for Mac and one for Windows. My Outpost Security Suite went ballistic for several minutes, before allowing the setup to do its job. I don't have Photoshop installed, so the installer saw no reason to install the plugins - meaning that the unpacked 238MB installer for Windows only installed 85MB. I felt annoyed downloading a 375MB container for a mere 85MB unpacked.

Of course I didn't find any pictures to denoise, so I quickly removed the program again. There were some leftovers, but not much. About 6-8 harmless items.


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