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Other Software > Developer's Corner

Code signing certificate?

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Thanks for all the comments and suggestions!

K Software seems to be really cheap in comparison to all the other vendors I've looked up. If the contract get's signed I try to get a certificate from them :)


Just ordered a new code signing certificate.  I had to leave K Software, they did not respond at all to emails.  The entire code signing process feels like it was designed to inflict maximum frustration.

We've used RapidSSL (= Digicert) certs for years now for corporate web sites, they've been generally inexpensive and the process (bought through Servertastic as a reseller) is pretty straightforward. Never had a need for code signing, but their certs are $425us or $625us for a one year cert, discount if you get multiple years. How does that compare, out of curiosity?

RapidSSL/Digicert code signing certs


$70-$85 per year code signing certificate -- prices have come down in last few years.  I could not afford to spend hundreds of dollars for the luxury of it.

I've ordered a new 3 year Comodo code signing certificate via on the black friday deal for 149 $. Ordering was easy but the process to get the certificate issued later on (done by was a real nightmare. Had to open a ticket and on each new mail (waiting time: 2-3 up to 7 days) I had to deal with a different support person who (ofc) didn't read the previous conversation, ignoring the documents I had attached, ...). In the end they issued the certificate but not with the data that I had provided in the first place. Company name was wrong, department entry was missing, city was misspelled. I had luck that the technical support sent me a mail where I was able to correct the bad entries and I finally got the certificate that I wanted. Took 6 weeks overall.

Always remember: You get what you've paid for :down:


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