{I mean this literally as I'm, just over the hill in Kilsyth
Actually, you're not "just over the hill", you're down the bottom of it - I'm in Kalorama

Regarding the subtitles, I presume you had to insert these into your Vegas video after shooting using Vegas itself ...
The subtitles for that video were burnt into every frame of the original video using either
ffmpeg or
mencoder, (I forget which - one was definitely easier than the other though), the output being to uncompressed video to avoid recompression artifacts.
The video is then loaded into Vegas and then the playback rate is increased or decreased by holding down Control and dragging the end of the video one way or the other. On rendering, Vegas (AFAIK) just does frame decimation in order to end up with specified playback length at the specified frames/second. (BTW, Vegas 11 only allows a maximum 400% rate increase, I had to render, reload, and increase the rate again to get it to ~600%.)
eg. A 4 minute video at 30fps when increased to a x2 playback rate will have half the total number of frames removed in order to play at 30fps in 2 minutes.
Doing it this way means that the remaining frames are left untouched, so the subtitles are still fine.
What I think MS Hyperlapse is doing (
WARNING: simplistic theory following) is it does the frame decimation but then it uses
tweeningw to create frames that morph the content between the original frames. This results in burnt-in subtitles being morphed out of existence. If you watch the video at
First-person Hyperlapse Videos it's very noticable during the rock climb section (~1:55 onwards) where you can see rock formations and the other climber appear to morph between formations/positions. Note, the default fps setting for MS Hyperlapse is 60fps, this gives them twice the number frames in which to make the result appear smoother.
During panning you have more movement (relatively) than forward motion so the number of inbetween frames created increases so the motion appears smoother and a small time stretch occurs.
I doubt there's anything that can be done about burnt-in subtitles that wouldn't require a massive rewrite to enable text detection within an area, and when that text is changing almost every frame I would think that the effort involved far outweighs the result.
So then, external subtitles - for the basic frame decimation that Vegas uses this isn't a problem as the playback rate is applied linearly across the whole video.
If the rate is set to x2, (assuming 30fps), then 15 frames will removed from each second of the original video and the time between each of the remaining frames will be halved - so the playback time is effectively halved. Easy to calculate for use in external subtitles. So easy I wrote two simple programs to do it for me.
With MS Hyperlapse, no such luck - the subjectively different playback speed between areas of low motion and high motion, (where extra frames need to be inserted to give the appearance of smooth motion), means trying to synchronise any external subtitle is a laborious job in text editing. You'd need to keep referring back to the original video to locate a point where a subtitle should be, locate the same point in the Hyperlapse video, (within milliseconds), and edit the subtitle file with the subtitle start/end time.
If you're not referencing anything in the video, then you can get away with it. However, for the stuff I'm doing it stands out like dingoes gonads, eg. the altitude reading is still increasing even though the video clearly shows I'm heading down the hill.
As an example, I'll upload a Vegas accelerated and Hyperlapse video some time in the next week or so that shows what using external subtitles looks like in each, (the Hyperlapse subtitles will just be auto-generated, no hand editing).
As for being able to specify a playback time for the end result, I'm not sure that could be done without increasing the number of passes the program needs to do, ie. it would have to run though choosing optimal frames to keep so it could generate a specific number of inbetween frames to end up with a specific playback time.
Finally, it should be noted that the
only thing I did in Vegas was apply a rate increase. I didn't use the Stabilize Media or any Video FX - that'll be my next experiment