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14 year-old boy arrested for creating a digital clock

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This thread was originally moved to the basement area in anticipation of it degenerating into a political back and forth.
After some discussions we have decided to be less trigger-happy about moving threads just because it appears they *might* go off the rails.

You can help us keep threads from having to be moved off the main forum by helping us keep threads like this from becoming political back-and-forths with the same people making the same points over and over.  If it's a controversial political topic, make your point and then move on and let others have their say!

I just saw this.

HAHAHAHA~!  :Thmbsup:

A bit late, but an engineer freaking out about this:

I'm surprised he didn't do time for it.

From the comments on the video:

This hits home for me. I had a situation 6 years ago (15yo)when I was in computer class and I was making a blueprint for a portable solar speaker after I finished my assignments. The teacher in his infinite wisdom takes a screenshot as "evidence" and reports it to the principal, and they both think it is a bomb. They call the police to escort me to the county jail for my dad to pick me up. I was expelled and 'sentenced' to alternative school. I took my GED test after a year of waiting to turn 16 to qualify for one. I'm now an associate in mechatronics and I want to continue working with electronics and robotics.

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