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Other Software > Developer's Corner

Della's first Game attempt!

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With the help of Gothic, I finally learned how to make a game...


I used Game Maker to do it.

Della :eusa_dance:

GameMaker website:

so how did you like GameMaker?

that is one hell of a hard game to lose.  ;D

I saved two escargots.

Hey Della,

Congrats on your first game.  I started to look at it but didn't get a chance to play.

Which leads to my comment on the game maker:  It's a little rude.  It switch my display to 640x480 or something; messed up my windows and kill my ATI TV picture.

Please don't take that as a hit on you or your game... I blame the game making kit.  ;)

Good luck on your next adventure.

It switch my display to 640x480 or something; messed up my windows and kill my ATI TV picture.
-Rover (June 27, 2006, 10:52 PM)
--- End quote ---

Actually it switches to 800x600. You must have funky drivers for your ATI card :/
It's not really gamemaker's fault. You could make an options window first and such, but that would be a bit complicated for her first program - ever.

Here's a windowed version:


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