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Ram Disks with Dynamic Memory Management?
is anyone aware of Ram Disks that support Dynamic Memory Management, apart from Primo Ramdisk?
DMM = The Ram Disk releases any memory that isn't in use anymore (because files were deleted inside the Ram Disk).
Your Ram Disk is set to 8GB
It is currently empty
Now you copy a 4GB file to it, it occupies 4GB of Ram afterwards.
You delete the file and a few seconds later it's back to (nearly) 0.
Primo is rather expensive (I'd like to use a Ram Disk on Windows Server 2012, if possible)...
Didn't know there were actually any product that did this - the only I've seen that was in the same ballpark was vRamDir back in the Win9x days, but that wasn't a fixed-size ramdisk... you pointed it at a folder and then it was basically "try to keep as much as this as possible in RAM".
I'm not sure it's a good idea for a ramdisk anyway? To be able to de/allocate memory like that, it needs more complex code than "just" a ramdisk... filesystem filter driver? And when you have a ramdisk, you generally expect access to it to be instantaneous - if you use a product that does dynamic de/allocation, you risk having to page out other memory in order to satisfy an allocation request. Depending on use case it might be smarter to simply *create* a ramdisk when you need it, and dismount it afterwards?
That's just my :two: - interesting to hear about Primo, though :)
This post has a list of most, (if not all), of the RAMdisks available for Windows - over 2 years old but from a quick search there appears to be no new ones. So you could look through and see if any of the free ones like Gavotte or Imdisk have a beta with that feature.
An interesting, (or not), snippet:
HP was granted a patent for it: Dynamically allocable RAM disk
...only 16 years after the Amiga was already doing it ;)
Outertech Support:
The freeware ImDisk Toolkit has added the dynamic allocation feature.
It works very well.
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