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Official CMS Migration Progress Thread - September 2017
The new cms version of the site will should go live this month in December, and I expect will happen simultaneously with a server move (the first since 2010).
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Looks like it won't happen until sometime in January. Everything is ready to go I'm just haggling on server hosting costs and what company to go with.
Everything is ready to go I'm just haggling on server hosting costs and what company to go with.
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The provisioning of our new official servers is now complete!!!
I will post much more about the process, the company chosen to be our provider, the specs of the new servers, in the next couple of days.
(We will have a fundraiser later this year to pay for it!)
I am extremely excited about the entire process -- the main site upgrade to a proper CMS, the new servers, the new member server setup, etc.
We will be migrating to the new servers in the coming week or two.. I will post more details as it is about to happen, but you can expect some hiccups as we change over, and the site may be unreachable for a day or so as the DNS propagation happens.
Stay tuned!!
It's cool seeing the progress. :Thmbsup:
Maybe the date in the thread title should be updated. :D
Just a note, the new server migration and CMS move is happening TOMORROW (sunday 1/14/18).. A move 5+ years in the making :huh:
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
I can confirm he isn't lying...it REALLY is going live tomorrow!!!!!!!!!
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