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Other Software > Found Deals and Discounts

AppSumo presents SitePoint Premium deal of a lifetime

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Off topic: Innuendo please set a custom avatar for yourself in your profile -- someone who has been around as long as you have on this forum deserves a recognizable avatar!


Off topic: Innuendo please set a custom avatar for yourself in your profile -- someone who has been around as long as you have on this forum deserves a recognizable avatar!-mouser (September 07, 2015, 01:16 PM)
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Maybe I'll come up with a totally awesome avatar....but probably not. We'll see.

Yeahhhhh!!! The Deal Is Back!

Yeahhhhh!!! The Deal Is Back!
-llc_silly (November 30, 2015, 03:18 PM)
--- End quote ---

And if you miss it, there is another special going on for the rest of this week, where you can sign up or renew your current membership for either

* a monthly membership (online access only, with no downloads) for $7 per month (normally $15 per month)
* an annual membership (unlimited downloads) for $48 (normally $108 per year)
* a lifetime membership (unlimited downloads) for $199 (never offered on-site before, but valued at $450)
And for the monthly and annual memberships, that's not just for the first month....that's for as long as you remain a member and don't do anything that switches you to another plan.  ;)

For new members:

For existing members:


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