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News and Reviews > Official Announcements

Forum Upgraded August 30, 2015 - Report issues here

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Surely someone likes the new forum?  :huh:

Surely someone likes the new forum?  :huh:
-mouser (August 31, 2015, 11:26 AM)
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I dislike everything new.  I don't hate the new forum.  That would indicate I will like it later on.  :)

Surely someone likes the new forum?  :huh:
-mouser (August 31, 2015, 11:26 AM)
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I don't dislike it :)  As with most change, it takes a bit to get accustomed to it.  I appreciate it more for the effort you put behind it than anything else.  And with that, thank you again.   :D :Thmbsup:

Is there any way I can hide the social media buttons and the translate drop down box at the bottom of each page? I don't need them and they bother me.
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If you go to the Forum Profile page of your profile, you will now see a new "Custom options:" item.  I will now use that for supporting miscelaneous advanced/custom options.  If you put -nosocial in that box, it will no longer add the social bookmarking items to your forum pages, or google analytitcs code, protecting you from any privacy concerns.  Translate box still shows because it is completely harmless.

Anand said:

1. Minor spelling mistake in "Still have questions?  Don't hesitate to context us ([email protected])."
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thanks, fixed.

2. The guest image, if temporary then ok, else I will suggest some blank face type image there.
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im happy to get a replacement!

3. The thread page numbers make difficult to click, at least for me.  Pages: prev | 1 2 [3] | bottom | last
I find difficult in positioning my mouse cursor at '1' or '2', say. Can we make it bit wider with space, box etc. ?
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possibly, though im a little concerned with running out of space on small monitor.

I found the "Print" option of message thread very useful. All messages in one long page and one can find any text too.  :Thmbsup:  Many times I needed to find my apps name for any bug fixes mentioned in another thread, say.
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great  :up:


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