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Ark: Survival Evolved is free for the weekend on Steam (through Aug 31, 2015)

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We want the player community's help to 'evolve' ARK into the dinosaur world game that we've been dreaming about since the days we played with plastic green T-Rex toys during elementary school recess, since we shed a tear to 'The Land Before Time', since we wistfully imagined the towering cities of 'Dinotopia', and since we nearly choked on our popcorn to the thrills of 'Jurassic Park'.
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I take it you're recommending it?  Why?  What do you like about it?  Just curious... I've been thinking, but it's priced too high right now for me to take a chance on it with the limited things I've seen.

I haven't played it, but I know that Stephen and y0himba like it and play it a lot. Stephen has recommended it to me a few times. Like you, the price has kept me from getting it.

But I'll definitely give it a try during the free weekend and see what I think.

@lanux thanks for posting this! I probably would have missed it.

I take it you're recommending it?  Why?  What do you like about it?  Just curious... I've been thinking, but it's priced too high right now for me to take a chance on it with the limited things I've seen.-wraith808 (August 28, 2015, 01:23 PM)
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This game gets mentioned a lot and is consistently on the top sellers' list on Steam. Among the praises are "attentive devs" and "survival world done right". Btw, I don't own this game yet but this free weekend seemed like a good time to give it a try. So after about an hour during this free weekend promo, it certainly has piqued my interest, whether I continue or not is another thing though.

But I'll definitely give it a try during the free weekend and see what I think.

@lanux thanks for posting this! I probably would have missed it.-Deozaan (August 28, 2015, 03:28 PM)
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yw, that was my intention. :up:


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