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Simple and Intuitive Clipboard Manager


Greetings! We have made what I would describe as the most intuitive, simple and easy-to-use clipboard manager.

You copy as many things as you like including images and they get saved in a queue. You can then start pasting and they will be pasted in a row. Alternatively you can edit, delete or rearrange the things copied before pasting. The queue can also be saved and loaded later. The settings menu is simple and includes things like dark mode, key binds, and order of pasting.

It is completely free and is currently available for Windows with a Linux version coming up in the future. With the realease of the Linux version the program will also be open sourced.

I am certain it would help a lot of people in their daily tasks thanks in large part to the simple and intuitive layout.


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Looks good!  Can you add a syncing feature to export/import from the cloud? 


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