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The stupid windows 10

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I have update to windows 10 from windows 8.1 and disable the UAC is not enough to run well the macros from my CRM
So, for me, the windows operating system is a stupid system.

Of course I know that in DC i can have the opportunity to replace a few goldmine macros with ahk macros, or even phrase express macros.

But I would like to know how to solve problems with "macros" and windows 10 anyway.

I am a serious addicted to my CRM . Not ready to any change. I don't want any changes really. If  I find a way to hack the windows register for my CRM i will remain in windows 10 . If not i will return to windows 8.1

I am not forever. So I will prefer eternal gratitude to the old scripts.

That will be my election.

Ahhhh the years passing by


Doesn't your story just confirm that Goldmine CRM isn't yet tested/updated for Windows 10? That should have probably been your first investigation, before taking the deep-dive into Win10...

For now I'd suggest to revert to your previous Windows (8.1), and wait for an official update of Goldmine to get Win10 compatiblity; the free upgrade to Win10 is available up-until July 2016 :up:

I cannot imagine Windows 10 itself should be the problem, Contro. It's more likely the settings in Win 10 that you need to test some more; there are quite many, but at first the right setting can be difficult to even find. Keep looking inside "Settings" and in the security programs!

...the free upgrade to Win10 is available up-until July 2016 :up:-Ath (August 23, 2015, 03:53 AM)
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Since Contro has already claimed his free upgrade, it's his to keep forever with no deadline on needing to reinstall it before a certain date.

As for Goldmine CRM, I found on this Goldmine blog the following post dated July 24, 2015:

GoldMine and Windows 10 - latest news from the authors

GoldMine's test for compatibility will start as soon as Windows 10 will be officially released. Compatibility testing will be done usually only on major releases, so for example GMPE 2015.2 or then in GMPE 2016.1 etc. They do not test compatibility on any hot fix releases. At this point they are very optimistic that it will be included on the compatibility matrix for GMPE 2015.2 (the fall release for GMPE) although this is no final confirmation.

Until then if you experience any issues (maybe in a test environment) of GMPE 2015.1 please go ahead and log an incident with us. Although we may say that it is currently not yet tested we will definitely try to replicate and if applicable log with our Development.

Wizard Systems are currently running the latest GoldMine on Windows 10 with a couple of Users so far without any issues.

Stay tuned for further news.
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Looks like you may have to wait till the Fall patch, Contro.

...the free upgrade to Win10 is available up-until July 2016 :up:-Ath (August 23, 2015, 03:53 AM)
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Since Contro has already claimed his free upgrade, it's his to keep forever with no deadline on needing to reinstall it before a certain date.-Innuendo (August 23, 2015, 09:17 AM)
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Surely he must first find & keep the license key?

Product key can easily be found by using NirSoft ProduKey:


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