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win update issues

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looking for assistance in resolving a win update problem (essentially it doesn't)

On my win7 SE netbook windows update performance (?) has deteriorated over time, such that it hasn't displayed progress for some time, and has now refused to download or apply updates altogether.

I've googled and it appears to be a relatively common issue, but none of the common fixes seem to work in this case (ie it's been sitting on the desk for the last 6+ hours 'updating' without change - no progress, no change)

Anyone here got any suggestions (other than a rebuild)

it never fails... within about 30 mins of posting this it started to update  :wallbash:

that said, i'm not at all confident that the issue has resolved itself  :nono2:

Mine used to want to run the same 11 updates over and over every 2 days.
Now, it wants to do 12.
I shut it off (updates), partly also b/c I'm nervous about it someday deciding to upgrade me to Windows 10 without asking; I'm still watching how others make out before I jump into that.
Someone also said when you update to Windows 10 it saves all your old Windows 7 (or whatever), and requires about XX-GB of free HD space, and I only run 30GB free space anyways.
But getting back to your original question, every so often I try to run updates, and that's been my experience; endless re-updater loop.

These may help you get back on track -

The Microsoft Fix It (first link) worked for my Vista Home Premium update freezes.

These may help you get back on track -

The Microsoft Fix It (first link) worked for my Vista Home Premium update freezes.
-crabby3 (August 20, 2015, 01:08 AM)
--- End quote ---

nope, the fixit tool...didn't.  And FWIW there are apparently 2 versions, one of which can be more 'aggressive' in its actions


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