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How Much RAM? 4GB vs. 8GB vs. 16GB Performance - TechSpot

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Stoic Joker:
I will get disappointed with both Windows and my computer (4GB RAM) because of the ever so slow process of updating picture, video, audio, -thumbnails, icons and data.-Curt (August 21, 2015, 06:59 PM)
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That has much to do with the speed of you drives...and almost nothing to do with the amount of RAM you have installed.

In my new machine I've got 1 SSD, and 3 6Gbps HDDs in a RAID5 array ... Guess which one is faster.. ;)

You don't have to be a power user to benefit from it at some point, especially with ever-increasing complexity of web pages and all applications in general.
-JavaJones (August 21, 2015, 05:08 PM)
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Good comments, but I think there you are being unnecessarily kind to web developers. They are some of the most arrogant, inconsiderate, and incompetent jackasses the world has ever known.

Just how in Hades does a web page get to soak up more than 1 GB of RAM?!?

It's insane.

Once upon a time, in a universe far, far away, web developers actually gave a shit about the computing power of their visitors' machines. Not so anymore.

I'm not saying, "Let's all go back to HTML 1.0" or anything of the sort. But if you need to take up 1 GB+ of RAM for your web page... you really need to have a good reason. And when I see 3 or 4 of those in Task Manager, I'm not really thinking that the web devs are particularly considerate of their visitors.

Rant over.

...or is it???... :P 8)

In my new machine I've got 1 SSD, and 3 6Gbps HDDs in a RAID5 array ... Guess which one is faster.. ;)
-Stoic Joker (August 21, 2015, 10:52 PM)
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...and guess which one is significantly more expensive for the storage obtained - and which will likely need to be replaced sooner?

(Sorry. Couldn't resist - even though an SSD is a fine thing to add to a system. :P  ;))

Stoic Joker:
In my new machine I've got 1 SSD, and 3 6Gbps HDDs in a RAID5 array ... Guess which one is faster.. ;)
-Stoic Joker (August 21, 2015, 10:52 PM)
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...and guess which one is significantly more expensive for the storage obtained - and which will likely need to be replaced sooner?-40hz (August 22, 2015, 07:27 AM)
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I know, I know ... You're preaching to the choir there man. But the Single HDD Z420 I have at the office is constantly lagging when I run several VMs because the drive usage is pinned to the ceiling. So I figured since the best Z440 base package I could find came with the SSD...I'd split this one up a bit and hedge my bets with the fallback RAID5 array. VMs and important files go on the RAID5, and the OS can have the 256GB SSD all to itself.

So far it seems to be working as I've currently got 2 Windows 7 VMs running both of which are doing 140+ updates and have the array at 100% ... Yet everything is still zippy and responsive.

Backup scheme pending completion of move.. (eek!)

I know, I know ... You're preaching to the choir there man.
-Stoic Joker (August 22, 2015, 06:31 PM)
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I know.

But ignore me.  I'm mostly just jealous. ;D


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