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Anyone running Firefox 40.0 stable release?
v40.0 here. is this what you're looking for?
(see attachment in previous post)•
-lanux128 (August 12, 2015, 06:51 AM)
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It just seems strange the way the releases come out. Lately Cyberfox has been days ahead of Firefox on each update.
40 disabled three of my addons, but they were all well working when re-enabled by Nightly Tester Tools.
just updated.
Same old same old -
Firefox watches a video:
I thought the thing about 32 bit software was it could not use up all your CPU :huh:
(edit// 4 cores)
For yet unknown reasons Mozilla also shut down public access to Bah!
I thought the thing about 32 bit software was it could not use up all your CPU :huh:
(edit// 4 cores)
-tomos (August 12, 2015, 01:27 PM)
--- End quote ---
32-bit software can't use up all your RAM if you have more than 4GB. (And maybe it was even limited to 2GB per application on 32-bit OSes?)
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