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Windows 10 Clean Install Instructions

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So ofcourse Microsoft being Microsoft they are very vague about licensing which makes the whole thing somewhat unintuïtive.
This is what i figured out myself, and it works for doing a complete fresh install of Windows 10 and activating it if you are currently running Windows 7 or 8(.1).

1: First things first, make sure you have everything backed up and saved. Also write down your current key for Windows 7 or 8.1.

2: Then download this little tool . And use it to download an ISO for your version of Windows. Got Windows 8.1 Pro? Go with Windows 10 Pro. Got Windows 7 Home Premium? Go with Windows 10 home, etc..

3: Make a bootable USB stick with this: . Use GPT for partition table, and file system FAT32.

4: Then put the USB stick aside and install the Windows 10 upgrade through Windows update. The reason being that your old key won't work to activate Windows 10. But during the update process you automatically get a new key, a legitimate Windows 10 key.

5: Now once it's all installed use this tool: to find your new Windows 10 key. Make sure to write this down, so you can always find it.

6: Now with your new Windows 10 key you can install Windows 10 and activate it like you're used to. Boot from the USB stick, install Windows 10, install the drivers, activate and off you go.

I hope this is helpful for someone out there, because it took me a while to figure out as well since there are 0 tutorials explaining this right now at the time of writing.

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This quote was directed at Dell users - but mainly generic all the same - oddly he doesnt mention getting the key for a reinstall
This may all be completely dated by now (?)
He works for Dell, so there is a Dell bias here - not sure how much difference that makes.

Update 16/07/2015 windows 10 10240 rtm is released for windows insiders
by philipyip    

You cannot clean install initially otherwise you pass up your free upgrade

Upgrade to windows 10 via windows update or beginning the windows 10 setup within the windows 10 desktop. This will register your device as a windows 10 device and you may then create a recovery drive and clean install.

From my extensive testing of the new Microsoft Product Testing introduced into Microsoft Windows 10 RTM I can tell you the following:

◾Direct clean installation from Windows 10 Installation Media, skipping product key twice or using the generic key leads to an unactivated product.
◾Using the .iso to upgrade from the Windows Desktop will only allow activated versions of Windows to release the license agreement screen. This only allows Activated versions of Windows 7, Windows 8.1 or Windows 10 Insider 10130.
◾For Windows Insiders Windows 10130 is then updated to Windows 10162 via Windows Update and this is updated via Windows Update to Windows 10240 (RTM) .
◾Once the initial upgrade to Windows 10240 is complete the device is registered to Microsoft as a Windows 10 Device.
◾Once a device is registered, you may create a Recovery Drive and Clean Install.
◾The Recovery Drive may be used on other devices but you will encounter Microsoft Product Activation issues if the device isn’t initially upgraded via Windows Update and Registered as a Windows 10 10240 RTM device.
◾The product activation is tied to the device. You can reinstall using a different Microsoft Account or Local Account and the device will activate.
◾You may change minor hardware such as a SSD/HDD and clean install. I changed from a SSD to HDD for a quick test and Microsoft Product Activation was applied.
◾It seems Windows Insiders with Build 10130 will be passed as eligible to reach Windows 10 RTM even those who lacked a Windows 7/8.1 Base license. Those who look to join the Windows 10 Insider program after the Windows 10130 .isos have been removed will not be able to install and activate Windows 10 Insider 10240 RTM.

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-tomos (July 28, 2015, 04:25 AM)
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added emphasis

Stoic Joker:
@Wraith - Have you tested the accuracy of the Win 10 key retrieved by ProduKey? Because it also retrieves a key for Office 2013, and that key doesn't match the MS (last octet only) key viewer script information (or any of my records).

One of these will be in the Office 2013 folder:
For x64 use ocpp.vbs /dstatus
For x86 use ospp.vbs /dstatus

No, I haven't.  I guess I should before I get to that step... Now I'm concerned.  I have my DVD ready to go... but I'm just apprehensive about trying the full install

Hi there,

Here is another tutorial on how to clean install Windows 10, I've not tested it yet, I'm just waiting for things to stabilize before upgrading




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