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Brightness Settings Reversing - No apparent reason.
Are the Acer power-management tools/drivers/add-ons installed? They caused similar behavior on a slow Acer laptop I serviced few weeks ago, where this happened when the Acer-'enhanced' power-setting was enabled. Switching to a standard power-scheme fixed it for me.
Are the Acer power-management tools/drivers/add-ons installed? They caused similar behavior on a slow Acer laptop I serviced few weeks ago, where this happened when the Acer-'enhanced' power-setting was enabled. Switching to a standard power-scheme fixed it for me.
-Ath (August 19, 2015, 10:42 AM)
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No too sure off hand if they are installed, but the power settings don't (seem to) change at all no matter if I am plugged in or on battery (I set the power options to do that awhile ago whilst troubleshooting another issue that would make the laptop lag o hell when it was plugged in)
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