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Want to backup your music collection? Tough...It's illegal.
If you read further into the story, even the IPO basically say "It's illegal, but we don't care"...which, IMHO, is as stupid as it can get...if you don't care, then why the hell make it illegal in the first place? Personally, I say f**k it..carry on doing what you were doing...if you wanna backup your music/movie collection...or anything else you legally own...then do it.
If you’ve used iTunes CD ripping feature recently, did you know you were breaking the law? If you backed up your PC to a remote cloud platform, did you know you were taking part in an illegal activity? Yes, thanks to a recent overturning of revised copyright legislation by the High Court, copying any copyright protected media, whether from a CD to a PC, one device to another, or even backing up to a remote cloud is entirely illegal.
The High Court decision came through last month, where it overturned a previous ruling by the British government made in 2014, which legalised the copying of privately owned media for private use. A number of music studios were scared by that though and assumed people would stop buying music, so it lobbied and had the decision made unlawful in June this year.
So technically almost all copying is illegal, and this has been clarified as such by the Intellectual Property Office, which TorrentFreak recently spoke to. It specifically highlighted how it is illegal to rip a CD to a PC, making iTunes illegal and its advertising potentially infringing of copyright law, since it advertises the feature.
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Uhh... I honestly am looking forward to the day the vinyl generation of judges die off (of natural causes), and get replaced by mp3 generation ones.
Uhh... I honestly am looking forward to the day the vinyl generation of judges die off (of natural causes), and get replaced by mp3 generation ones.
-eleman (August 06, 2015, 10:36 AM)
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Gotta love it when people with no knowledge of technology create laws governing technology, eh!
Uhh... I honestly am looking forward to the day the vinyl generation of judges die off (of natural causes), and get replaced by mp3 generation ones.
-eleman (August 06, 2015, 10:36 AM)
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Gotta love it when people with no knowledge of technology create laws governing technology, eh!
-Stephen66515 (August 06, 2015, 10:44 AM)
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Here's another gem:
Insanity Rules: NSA Apologists Actually Think Apple Protecting You & Your Data Could Be 'Material Support' For ISIS
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Stoic Joker:
This is simply proof that the zombie apocalypse is real, because we're all being chased. nagged, and bleed to death by the zombified walking corpse of the music industry as it existed back in the (as said before) "Vinyl Age". Their time of vampiric reign is long over and they need to all collectively fuck off and get on with dying..
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