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Backup any private posts you want to keep from the "My Personal Area" section
On this forum, we created a special forum section called "My Personal Area" where people could write posts that only they could see.
It has served as a way for people to make "draft" posts, etc.
That section will not be migrated to the new forum because it involves too much ugly hard-to-maintain hacking of the forum codebase.
I will try to add some kind of different draft-post functionality, but the My Personal Area posts will *NOT* migrate.
So please backup any that you have made that you want to keep.
Actually cancel this request -- i should be able to make it possible for users to see their own previous posts in the My Personal Area section, though not add new ones.
Not too bad for me - I only had two worth saving.
My quick hack suggestion for the new one until you think of something else is people can maybe just send themselves board messages. For me the main concept of the private posts is just that they're "here" and not yet another of 9000 things to keep track of on your own comp.
It's quite easy for me to just grab something off a message from myself.
good idea.
You can ignore this advice -- I have added a feature on the new board that will let you view your old posts in the My Personal Area section.
superboyac: little black book of dc. that's where i curse everyone here out in private, just to get it out of my system.
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