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help searching word.rtf from farr?


Im a unversity student doing my masters degree and find that Im constantly requiring to find references of words within my dropbox account. I don't have anyway of doing in currently but my request sounds simple enough?

I was using a macbook pro before and i could use spotlight to search within MS word .rtf documents for say "foresight" within the dropbox directory but I can't do easily under Windows 8.1.

Can someone point me in the right direction with FARR?

Just a tiny bit frustrated after spending the whole morning on this.


FARR doesn't search INSIDE files -- you're going to need a different app for that.
There are some good free ones.  Agent Ransack is one i like:

icemanmelb, the command line tool Silver Searcher (windows port of Ag) can search for strings inside a lot of files quickly.

You can make a FARR alias that searches with Silver Searcher and displays the result in FARR.
Make a new alias. Put this in the regex box

--- ---ag (.*)and put this in the results box (edit the paths to match the folders on your computer)

--- ---ag.exe $$1 | showmemo . ;;; appcapappendmemo "C:\path\to\ag.exe" $$1 C:\path\to\dropboxfolder
This uses the memo view and clears the view for each new search.


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