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What's living in your taskbar notification area right now?

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Curious about FolderCache and PastePath...

Curious about FolderCache and PastePath...
-kyrathaba (July 22, 2015, 06:05 PM)
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Thank you for asking.  FolderCache got a write-up awhile back here

PastePath was inspired by a post on DC.  I forget the location of the post.  But it mentioned another software that made it easy to paste in an Explorer folder path.  That is all PastePath does.  It remembers the last folder that was active and pastes it when you hit the hotkey.  I detects a command prompt and pastes it in so that the prompt will accept it(I believe it right clicks the mouse.)  Very simple but it is convenient for avoiding drilling down in SaveAs and Open dialogs. It will paste into anything that accepts clipboard text via Control v.

It is not perfect.  It won't get the path of special folders like Computer(neither will FolderCache.)  One of these days I should add that in but I fear making the calls to get the special folder CLSIDs or names may be slow.  If you use a file manager other than File Explorer then these two utilities may not be all that useful.  But if you mainly  do file copy/move with Explorer they may make a few things a bit easier.

Edit: I updated my thread on DC for the program:

What's living in your taskbar notification area right now?

Way too much.

Remove Hardware, Bluetooth, Beats audio, Windows yammer-at-me center, Dolphin text editor
Xmarks, Citrx receiver, Listary, Intel AppUp (I thought I had uninstalled that!), Gateway IP monitor
Virtual Clone Drive, WinTV, Popfile, Net Extender, VistaSwitcher
D4, Glasswire, Teamviewer, Skydrive, PDF24
File uploader, chrome, RescueTime, Adguard, chrome notifications

In the tray: Win 10, Winpatrol, Avast, ProcessLasso, drive activity, System Explorer, Screenshot Captor, Ditto, network, speakers, and T-Clock

Oh yeah, you can see I have CrossHair running too. :-)

LOL, x16wda  ;D

How many gigs of RAM you running?


In the expanded view:

* Realtek HD Audio Manager (audio driver)
* Microsoft Security Essentials
* Borderless Gaming (puts games into "fullscreen" borderless windowed mode)
* AdGuard
* Display Fusion
* Mumble
* Gizmo
* Screenshot Captor
* BitTorrent Sync
* Better DS3
* Dyn Updater
* Google Photos
* Subsonic
* Microsoft OneDrive
* AMD Catalyst Control Center (video driver)
* uTorrent
* (can't figure out how to disable launch on startup)
* Google Music Manager
* MEGAsync
* Google Chrome (Notifications)
* Teamviewer
In the tray:

* Speedfan (showing my GPU temperature in Celsius)
* Launcher
* Windows 10 Upgrade
* Dropbox
* Task Manager
* Steam
I usually close a few of these (such as and MEGA) but I forgot to do that since my last reboot.


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