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News and Reviews > Official Announcements

DonationCoder Major Upgrades - Progress Report Thread

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I didn't mean to say mouser or Stephen66515 or anyone else working on the technical aspects of the CMS need to come up with new content. I was saying let DC members give DC the gift of new content to celebrate its renewal. I was just suggesting though, not trying to convince anyone. So never mind...

Although I will answer some points here, could I ask that further discussion about the CMS (specifically the CMS) be moved here: - That way we don't have fragmented information and I only have to keep an eye on one thread to answer things  ;D

I didn't mean to say mouser or Stephen66515 or anyone else working on the technical aspects of the CMS need to come up with new content. I was saying let DC members give DC the gift of new content to celebrate its renewal. I was just suggesting though, not trying to convince anyone. So never mind...
-phitsc (September 04, 2015, 08:49 AM)
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From my perspective, the more content the DC community can create for us, the better! - If anybody does happen to want to take on the challenge of writing a new review, article, short story or whatever, then PLEASE DO IT!.

Those who DO write content, will have their content placed on the new sections dedicated to this exact thing! - Seriously...adding more pages during this stage is not an issue whatsoever and like phitsc says, it would be a perfect way to celebrate the upgrade!

I have no problem if you guys do A and B first. What I'm suggesting is that we go live with plenty of C.
-phitsc (September 04, 2015, 01:51 AM)
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Unless someone volunteers to make that content, and to coordinate the making of content, that's a massive effort on top of a massive effort that's already taxing mouser.  So I'd say first things first.  Get the CMS up, get some testing like with the forums, and get it to a stable experience that represents the site.  Then the content can come organically as the tools give more people the ability to create the content.
-wraith808 (September 04, 2015, 08:05 AM)
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There is no real coordination required in the creation of this content as it could just be a review, a mini-review, a short-story...well....anything really, it honestly doesn't matter...we have the means to now accommodate pretty much anything a content writer wants to submit!

"Then the content can come organically as the tools give more people the ability to create the content." <---- For this, I have to admit the content creation part of things MAY be an issue, BUT if people want to write them before the CMS is live, then they can do so by either doing it in plain-text, or if they have skills as a website designer, they can always just ask for our CSS classes, or even have us style it for them AFTER we get the rest of the stuff that needs doing; done.

"that's a massive effort on top of a massive effort that's already taxing mouser." - A huge amount of that pressure has been lifted off mouser so he can stop being close to a complete and utter nervous breakdown (see here) :)

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-tomos (October 23, 2015, 04:24 AM)
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Tangentially, will it ever be possible to just paste an image into the editor applet thingy?  It is just so much easier on sites that have this capability.  Control c here then Control v there and it's done.

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i'll look into and fix asap.


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